
Discipline Seminars (3 PM - 6 PM on the 5th of May)

Seminar A - Structural Mechanics: Abaqus in a nutshell: The complete best-practice series

You are an Abaqus user. You know the "Getting Started", but feel overwhelmed by the many trainings we offer and do not know how to Read The Fine Manual? One of our experts comes to the rescue: His signature nutshell talks will teach you the absolute essentials, distilled from 25 years of work life with Abaqus. Lots of tricks, jokes and anecdotes included. 

The following topics are covered:

  • Convergence
  • Elements
  • Explicit dynamics
  • Connectors
  • Elasticity
  • Linear dynamics

Seminar B - Electromagnetics: Advanced Topics

This Seminar consists of three separate Workshops around CST Studio Suite.

- Parametrization of a MOSFET Model for Transient EMC Simulation
In the first part a common challenge is tackled. Often a user receives a datasheet but no model for a particular component. In the workshop Parametrization of a MOSFET Model for Transient EMC Simulation we will build our own MOSFET model according to a real data sheet, which will be used for EMC Conducted Emission simulation.

- Introduction into non-parametric Optimization for Electromagnetic Applications

Non-Parametric optimization goes beyond the limits of classic parameter based optimization. The second topic Introduction into non-parametric Optimization for Electromagnetic Applications deals step by step with a shape optimized antenna, which will be built during the session.
This aims to get the participants started for their own shape optimization combining CST Studio Suite and TOSCA.

- Python Scripting in CST for Beginners

The third part of the workshops is about Python Scripting in CST for Beginners. Handling the first steps and getting an overview of the fast growing Python Libraries available in CST Studio Suite.

All workshops will be designed in a way, that attendees will have the opportunity to follow the modeling steps from the referent on their own device using CST Studio Suite 2025. For the second workshop a TOSCA installation is necessary.

Active participation is optional but not mandatory.

Seminar C - Fluids: Shaping the Sound of Comfort in High-Performance Design with PowerFLOW Aeroacoustics Solutions

  • Aeroacoustics applications with PowerFLOW
    • Greenhouse Wind Noise
    • Gap/Seal noise
    • Underbody wind noise
    • Sunroofs/side window buffeting
    • Cabin Comfort: HVAC Noise
    • Exhaust Noise
    • Cooling Fan NoiseGap/Seal noise
  • Deep dive
    • Why PowerFLOW Aeroacoustics? Unique value, accuracy and robustness 
    • Simulation workflow: End-to-end process from setup to automated postprocessing
    • Optimization: Leveraging advanced tools to enhance performance
    • Q&A
  • Discussions
    • Machine Learning driven Aeroacoustics simulations
    • Teaser for Extended Applications:
      • Autonomous Vehicle Sensor Soiling
      • Thermal Management/Thermal Comfort etc.

Seminar D - Multibody System Simulation: Simpack in the automotive sector - Features, workflows and performance 

The seminar is aimed at all participants interested in multi-body dynamics and focuses on the challenges and solution concepts within the transportation and mobility industry. At this point it should be noted that the tools and workflows shown are primarily related to automotive applications, but retain their general validity; the methods presented here therefore also cover the development of scooters, motorcycles and trucks.
The first section covers a selection of the tools provided by SIMULIA Simpack that have been developed for the T&M industry. In this context, the viewer is given an overview of important features that are necessary for physical modeling. The common tire models in different levels of detail and bushings should be highlighted here. For the latter, the new fitting tool enables exact parameterization based on experimental data.
In terms of data management, the Simpack Wizard is a powerful tool for efficiently managing vehicle models and load cases. Based on the idea of the wizard, the most important database structures and concepts are taught, which enable an expandable and quickly adaptable workflow.
After successful implementation, the result of the previous section is a universal MBD-model for all vehicle dynamics applications. This can be branched off into further linked variants and parameterized in a similar way to a version management program. The supported scripting language Javascript also offers the possibility of fully automating the entire process up to Post-processing.
Predefined work flows enable the user to quickly get started with virtual testing and design of vehicle components as well as the complete vehicle. In the classic sense, this includes vehicle dynamics load cases such as handling and ride, which may serve as the starting point for further durability and NVH investigations. In conjunction with ADAS technologies, the MBD-models can also be extended to include complex control systems and offer an interface for SIL, HIL and MIL testing.
For XIL simulations, a robust, efficient and accurate modeling and solver technology is the decisive factor. In the last section of the seminar, this topic is taken up and emphasizes the great possibilities with the help of Simpack Realtime in the design process.

Please use the registration form if you are interest and will attend.