During the session you will discover how AI technologies are being applied to optimize processes, enhance safety and streamline operations in Aerospace. How leveraging large-scale data analytics and predictive modeling can lead to better decision-making and operational efficiency. You will explore emerging trends and advancements in AI and their potential impact on the Aerospace industry.

Join us for Aéro Apéro on July 2, 2025 at 16:30 in room ODEON!

We are excited to welcome Mateusz Gliszczynski, ENOVIA / NETVIBES Industry Process Senior Manager. With extensive experience in implementing AI-driven solutions Mateusz will provide valuable insights and practical examples that demonstrate the transformative potential of AI in the industry.

Take advantage of this opportunity to engage in a dialogue that promises to inspire.

Register now
for exclusive networking event. The seats are limited.

The Venue

ZAL Centre for Applied Aviation Research GmbH, Hein-Saß-Weg 22, 21129 Hamburg


Dr. Mateusz Gliszczyński > Speaker > Dassault Système®

Dr. Mateusz Gliszczyński

ENOVIA / NETVIBES Industry Process Senior Manager - Dassault Systemes sp z.o.o
Mateusz Gliszczyński leads digital transformation projects within large industrial organizations in Western and Central...
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Dr. Sven Lammers > Speaker > Dassault Système®

Dr. Sven Lammers

Senior Industry Process Consultant, Dassault Systemes Deutschland GmbH - Dassault Systemes Deutschland GmbH
Sven is a graduate physicist with a heart for simulations and has a PhD in computational chemistry. He has over 15 years...
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